Fourth year in a row I'm going to this anime and comic event in Flanders, and I will not turn around the bush, this has been the BEST ONE ever so far, both from a personal as from an organisational point of view.
The personal part is very simple.At a small dutch anime store, in a shelf literally at floor level, I found one of my Holy Grails, the illustrious volume 10 of the Shonen Jump english manga of Knights of the Zodiac.You don't (if you find them uberhaubt) get them online under 200 USD, due to a print error way back limiting the run of this particular volume.I payed 30 euros today.The vendor even appologized that he had to ask more for that one then the rest due to it being 'rather rare'.Well, learn your classics, you can make more on them then on Naruto or Pokemon matey ;-)
Organisational the event was a big step forward from last year, as they now had the humongous Hall 1 for the traders and videogames, and a second hall, number 5, for clubs.This meant that even though I al pretty sure the 50k visitors mark has been broken, you actually had SPACE between hallways to have a look around.
They still had to do the hallway and a stairs to enter...
I almost didn't go, being in fever last evening, but I don't regret it.Nor do I regret buying a ticket in advance.I went later (around 12.30 I arrived) and still there was a HUGE que for non ticket holders.I spend the whole 17 seconds que'ing (no offense to Salute, but this is what quebusting is all about).
For me it was a great edition, with Saint Seiya Omega and The Lost Canvas clearly having their impact.Compared to previous years, there was a lot more material on sale, though also slightly more expensive.Win some, lose some I'd say, but I almost bought that artwork where it not for it costing 189 euros...
There was even a Saint Seiya modelmakers club, Ma Deesse, I think I almost orgasmed on the spot ;-), if it weren't in France, they would have a new member...
So yes, it was a great event, here is some more eye candy
Archonia was near the entrance this year, so when I entered I had the desillusion I wouldn't be hauling bog boxes on the event, as I could collect my box of books at the end.It was not to be - see my loot at the end why...
I was really tempted by this one
Thundercats, Thundercats, THUNDERCATS HOOOOOOOOOO KAMEEEHAAAMEEEEHAAAAAA The Bugman Al Blacks, cosplaying blood bowl Flying robots where even present
You could also follow a course to learn and draw manga (mental note, I forgot to get the Anime Bamboo Drawing Pad - dooh!)
Little Japan was a themed part of the hall where all kinds of typical Japanese things could be tried, even martial arts, or tree trimming for the softer of heart
You could rent these cars with driver, for things like weddings.Chu, forget that 69 Mustang, I want Bumblebee!!!!
Ronin Warriors Myth Cloths.My walllet still aches Sexiest Pikachu around, other usually just had those jumpsuits.I also heard one girl telling another she could make a costume 'like thing' and it had only cost her about 15 euros in facial paint, that way she saved the 2 euros on a ticket to come dressed up...
Multiplayer PS3 Diablo
And finally my loot:I didn't find Aiolios, so I'm ordering him online this week, but did find a v2 Shiryu on the cheap, a very cheap Milo model kit (have some of those at home, it's basically the old edition models in plastic and need of paint), The Lost Canvas anthology volumes (side stories about the gold saints), the new Myth of Hades book and 8 Episode G's I had pre-ordered at Archonia.
If Omega keeps doing what it does for the franchise as I saw today, I'm putting aside 75 euros a month in a locked account until the next FACTS... and will need a truck to get it all home...
And that big white box?A small gift for the GF.It is only about 12 cm tall elven figure, but it was packed in a huge box which I had to haul around all day.Even not there, she still can turn me in a carriage mule hehehe
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